Thoughtbot Mentor
09 Sep 2013
This morning I signed up for thoughtbot’s learn prime program. This is a monthly subscription of $249 and gives access to workshops, books, screencasts, Prime Bytes, the Learn Forum, and access to a thoughtbot Mentor for one-on-one coaching sessions. The big thing there I’m interested in is the mentor.
Lately I’ve been feeling like my learning/growth has begun to slow. This is not a happy place for me so instead of moaning about I started looking for solutions. I was even considering drastic change such as uprooting and moving to the bay area… that still may be on the cards. Anyway I found thoughtbot’s apprentice program and decided I was going to apply.
In the process of writing my application I began to wonder what I really have to prove my capability on such a scheme. I decided to write a small open source site just to show some of my work but I’ll post here once it actually does anything. Anyway, while reading up on the company I found the mentoring program and decided to sign up. The main reason was to start improving again as soon as possible but to give me an idea of if this really is the kind of place I want to be.
I’m currently waiting for my mentor to get in contact. Looking through the material available there’s some cool workshops and screencasts but an interesting thing is this company’s insistence on using vim. Now I’m no stranger to the command line but text editing surely seems like something that should benefit from a gui right?
To answer this question I’ve started their learn vim trail. This will be the last post I write using sublime for a little while. Who know’s, maybe the last post I ever write using sublime!
BTW, one of the area’s they suggested improving is typing speed. The goal given was 80wpm (words per minute). Just tested mine and got 40wpm! I’ve got a long way to go D=